About this blog

My only daughter's name is Clea. Clea was six years and nine months old and she was enjoying a family holiday in Samoa when the ocean surged as a wall, ten metres high, and drowned her. Many other people died that morning of 29 September 2009.
The other four members of her family survived the tsunami.
Life has never been the same since. It will never be the same. This blog features memories, reflections, poetry, etc...
Just let me stay with her under this moon,
hold her in my arms, spin her in the air,
with my dear daughter in some timeless swoon.

Monday, 4 January 2021


Today, Clea, you would have turned eighteen.

Should have been living life, your chance to dream

of careers, studies, being part of a team,

dancing at parties, like another teen.

Or would soon be travelling, seeing the globe,

enjoying food, views and towns, sending pics

of beaches or mountains, using lipstick,

buying gadgets, new clothes for your wardrobe…

I wonder who you would have liked to be:

independent young woman, go-getter

perhaps? Defiant and bold? Compliant yet free?

Would you have made me be someone better?

The questions remain unanswered for me,

older, ill, to sorrow ever fettered.